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Design, Well-Being


Home Design for the PET (owner)

According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 66% of US households, or 86.9 million families, owned a pet in 2023–2024 and about half of the pet owners think that their pet is like a family member.(Article LINK )

So it doesn’t come as a surprise that many homeowners desire to live in a home that is not only pet-friendly, but also safe and fun for their furry friends. Here at Hlevel Architecture, we have helped numerous pet owners create their dream homes with their pets in mind. When designing spaces, it’s crucial to consider the daily routine with your pets:- Where will your pet sleep, play, and have all its grooming gear?

– Will it have access to the outdoors?
– Will your dog have to climb stairs? With age, animals develop health and mobility issues that should be considered.
– Will there be a room dedicated to your pet, where it will be safe when guests arrive?
– Sometimes our clients have multiple pets, and each of them needs their own safe space.
– Cats love to hide, climb, and scratch, so it’s important to keep that in mind.

These and many more aspects should be considered when designing a home, and we are here to listen and implement! Contact us with any questions. 

Check out more useful links on this topic:


